Tuesday, April 12, 2011

All Dressed Up

Molly got all dolled up tonight for her Kindergarten music program.  She let me test out my new equipment on her and was an excellent model for me tonight!  Here are some of my favorites.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Weekly Challenge: Hands

Now that my life has have calmed down (a bit) since my daughter's chronic health issues, and with the nasty Nebraska winter behind us, I'm picking up my camera again and setting some new goals for this year.  One of those goals was to jump back into the Project 365 challenge, however, when I started looking through the challenges, I found a new one that started not long ago called the 52 Week Challenge.  I decided to join this challenge instead of starting back up with the 365 Project thinking that this challenge will be a little less demanding on my time. 

The 52 Week Challenge is essentially the same as Project 365, except instead of taking a picture every day on a weekly theme, the challenge is to get at least one shot a week, and the themes run for two weeks.  I hope this decrease in time commitment will allow me to be more successful at this challenge.